JRagansan Purba

       I write these words of #CokeBottle to show how I adore AgnezMo becoz of her real inspiration to me and to all her fans arround the world. I dedicate these words not just as a fan, but more than that, becoz I've got lots of love from NEZindaclub wherever they are and standing together to be one becoz of AgnezMo. I feel that it's more than just a community, for me this is a new family.

#1   This is the first version of my words from the letters of Coke Bottle. I write these words to respond a lot of comments from the people who can’t show just a little love in their life. I don’t know why? There’s so many people out there in this nation, Indonesia, that spread the hatred and can’t appreciate the other who can do something good, even really great. Becoz this world needs love to create peace, so I give these words for the people who live out of that love. 

#2   This second version of my words for the letters of Coke Bottle inspired from the powerful fans of AgnezMo that called NEZindaclub. I’m totally proud to all of them who work so hard to support AgnezMo by doing the best of what they can do. Thousands and millions of them are living in different place in this nation, even in this world. Only one reason that bring us to be one here, it’s love. That love breaks the limit of age, ethnic, religion, time and place. We are coming not becoz of who we are, not becoz of what we have. None better, and none senior or junior. We are coming becoz of love in one vision, supporting AgnezMo to show the world that nothing impossible in God. I dedicate these words to all NICs that live the love in their life.

#3 Now AgnezMo is officially admitted as an international diva, so I write this English version from the second one. Proud to be one of the biggest fan of AgnezMo that inspired all her fans to learn, think, and act internationally. She’s well known worldwide, and it means that she brings her fans going worldwide.

"Love comes to bring peace,
and people comes to live that love in their life"
(JRagansan Purba)


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